Dios Nunca Muere

the visual politics of transmutation in contemporary Oaxacan art

José Arnaud Bello | Alfonso Barranco Sánchez | Ana Belén Paizanni

Arian Dylan | Moisés García Nava | Joel Gómez | Mariana Gullco

Daniel Guzmán | Luis Hampshire | Saúl Hernández | Dr. Lakra

Morelos León Celis | Roberto López Flores | Saúl López Velarde

Rolando Martínez | Rosa Vallejo | Jessica Wozny

April 2 to May 1, 2010

Dios Nunca Muere explores the seismic shift in contemporary art practice in Oaxaca, Mexico over the last two decades. The work of these artists—both individually and collectively—parallels and reflects widespread social, political and economic changes in the region. Informed by such social and material conditions, this new wave of artist/provocateurs is dismantling the prevailing hegemony of the Romantic artist/auteur in favour of collaborative approaches, social practice and self-examination. As they embrace the area’s unique geographical isolation and historical reputation as a ground zero for resistance, transformation and revelation, the artists in this exhibition do so through an international perspective and critical dialogue with the art world at large.

Curated by Deborah de Boer (Victoria) and Luis Hampshire (Oaxaca), Dios Nunca Muere is the first exhibition of its kind to engage with a sporadically recognized, but generally unheralded group of artists in order to provide a unique and immersive experience of a vitally important but virtually occult chapter in the contemporary art history of Mexico.

Dios Nunca Muere catalogue.