Marlaina Buch | Tamsin Clark | Megan Dickie | Sandra Doore | Chris Gillespie
Brian Grison | Cody Coyote Haight | Lisa Hebden | Ted Hiebert | Danielle Hogan
Karina Kalvaitis | Daniel Laskarin | May-ling Martinez | J McLaughlin
Heather Passmore | Ingrid Mary Percy | Steve Rayner | Brooke Semple
Shawn Shepherd | Caleb Speller | The Woodpile Collective
November 21 to December 19, 2008
At a time of the year when clichés invoking goodwill and cheer fly about like so many snowflakes, Gifted is a group exhibition which asks participating artists to propose a new, less cynical, seasonal language while re-examining their personal and highly idiosyncratic ideas of illumination, transcendence and desire.