Latent Image (Part One) 2012–2015
Mike Andrew McLean
February 6 to March 14, 2015
In the conception and creation of the works that comprise Latent Image (Part One), McLean focuses on variant techniques that allow for reproduction of an image: stabilized photogenic drawing, salt paper printing, cyanotype, ferrotype, albumen printing and finally, photographs made with the Kodak 1—the first consumer oriented camera, patented in 1888. His intention throughout these contemporary reinterpretations is consistent, despite the manifold chemical and material variations involved in their production, reigniting interest in the way photographs are made and perceived in our media-saturated society and allowing for fluid investigations of the medium itself.
Mike Andrew McLean holds a BFA in Media Arts from NSCAD University, and an MFA from the University of Victoria. McLean’s work, which draws upon research into the historical and contemporary uses of photography, has recently been shown in solo and group exhibitions including Vancouver’s Contemporary Art Gallery, the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Richmond Art Gallery, Open Space, Southern Alberta Art Gallery and Gallery 44 in Toronto. With the assistance of Canada Council and BC Arts Council production grants, McLean’s most recent projects Latent Image and Debris investigate the earliest forms of production within the medium.